Another 2nd Place Win

Mason, Ohio was the site of the 2nd Annual Balloon Decor Convention…”Float”.   Taking classes from International Instructors and doing hands-on work with the World’s Best Decor Designers is a perk that is well-worth the time and lack of sleep that you must endure to pack the most into the convention.  Tristen won 2nd place in…

Betallic Award

What do you get with a bunch of betallic balloons, 18  hours and a Harley Davidson store?  A Cross Bones Motorcycle sculpted out of balloons that one 2nd place in the international contest!  Contests are a time to challenge, stretch and try something new and with a little bit of planning it is so rewarding…

Trade Show Decor

So, you have to represent your company and you have so much to prepare for your products, have you thought about how much you need to take to build your site to stand out from the other 999 vendors?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to make a phone call and have your site designed to your…

It’s a Lootle World

Balloon Caricatures are fun to do and add value to your event.  Here are a few photos from a Breakfast of Champion’s event that had caricatures of different careers featured. This is a lovely idea for Bar Mitzvahs, Birthday Parties or Weddings too.  If you want to see your guests smile, surprise them with “Lootles”.

More Classes in NYC

NYC has a special place in our hearts.  There are some really great balloon twisters there and they were instrumental in opening our eyes to the possibilities of balloons if you were willing to invest the time and education to continually improve your art.  The price of good balloons does not come cheap or easy….but…

Happy Birthday to You!

Who doesn’t love a party, and a party with AWESOME balloons is PHENOMENAL, MEMORABLE and FABULOUS!  Do you remember what was on your birthday cake last year, how about 2 years ago?  While we can’t tell you that,  we can tell you that if you ask any of our previous guests what the balloon creations…